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What does it mean to practice peace?
Nations observe 21 September as International Day of Peace, a “day of global ceasefire and nonviolence.” Rotary’s commitment to building peace and resolving conflict is rooted in the Rotary Peace Centers, which yearly prepare up to 100 fellows to work for peace through a two-year master’s degree program or a three-month certificate program at partner universities worldwide.
Topics: peace, fellowship
Challenging the Future for Service Clubs
Mark Huddleston is a Rotarian mover and shaker who is keenly interested in shaping the future of the member clubs of Rotary International. A leader who puts into practice what he proposes, this little book is a valuable read for all, but especially those who are leaders and aspiring leaders of Rotary Clubs.
Together We Transform - Together We Make A Difference
Rotary’s Commitment to Creating a Healthier World
Around the world, 400 million people can’t afford or don’t have access to basic health care, which can result in pain, poverty, and misery. That’s why Rotary members are devoted to fighting and preventing diseases. From offering temporary clinics, blood donation centers, and training facilities in underserved communities to designing and building infrastructure to allow doctors, patients, and governments to work together, Rotary members take on efforts both large and small.
District 9630 Drought Relief Program
Rotary International Convention 2019
Hear RI President on the RI Convention 2019 here -
Capture the Moment at the 2019 Rotary Convention in Hamburg. Register by 15 December to save.
ShelterBox - Celebrating the Contribution of Rotary Clubs and Rotarians
This week we celebrated the work that ShelterBox Australia makes toward relieving suffering and building hope in the face of natural disasters and conflict. ShelterBox is a Rotary International endorsed program that operates with the support of Rotary Clubs and indivual Rotarians who contribute financially and as members of the teams who distribute the shelterboxes.
Have you made the decision?
Have you thought about the opportunity to help others through organ and tissue donation?
Well we were all challenged to do just that by Alana Cresswell and David Clune of DonateLife. This is the public face of the Australian Government Organ and Tissue Authority.
Organ and tissue transplantation is no longer experimental - our Australian surgeons are increadibly skilled. Age is not necessarily a barrier to organ and tissue donations up to the age of 90 years, though it is a factor in the assessment of the viability of potential organs and tissues.
Is our community dementia friendly?
Tonight we were joined by Michelle Schlitter and Ann Donaghy from Centacare and learnt what it is like to be a dementia friendly community. As our population ages we all find ourselves confronted in some way with issues that make our lives or those of others less comfortable.
Dementia is the term used to describe the symptoms of a group of illnesses which impact on a person's functioning - memory, intellect, rationality, social skills and physical function. These illnesses can happen to anyone but they are more common after the age of 65.
Mary Queen of Peace Community Project
On the outskirts of Lae in Papua New Guinea is a small Catholic School and Health Clinic. The Mary Queen of Peace Community is under development to serve the needs of the people in Malahang and the surrounding areas.
Last week the Rotary Club of Cleveland was visited by Sister Cathy from the Mary Queen of Peace Community. This is another step in the emerging relationship between the Club and the Community.
The Drought Isn't Over Yet
The Drought is Not Over Yet
Inspite of recent rains the drought is still affecting 62.5 percent of Queensland. The Rotary District 9630 Drought Programe continues to support farmers who are impacted by the drought which started in 2014 and continues today. You can help by making a donation. Full details on how are available here
Cleveland Film Company - Film local Screen global
Cleveland film Company is a contributor to the social and cultural fabric of Southeast Queensland, particularly Redlands Coast. Bradford Walton is a writer-director who trained in the UK in TVC and music video production. for the past 20 years Brad has produced national TVC campaigns, documentaries, short films and feature film screen plays. If you missed this inspiring Rotary evening, get along to the Grand View as per the flier below and help this industry grow.
Tickets are available online through Eventbrite by visiting the website at
It's Arrived! Our new Barbecue Trailer is here.
Pres. Jan Kilbourne, Clive Shepherd & John Simpson getting familiar with our new barbecue trailer, which was delivered today. It has all the bells and whistles we need, and some more - come along and see it in use this weekend at Relay for Life, where we will provide dinner and breakfast. John will arrange for the logo and club name to be done, and then we will be looking to make the most of this investment, using it to assist other local community groups.
Relay for Life 2019
Clive Shepherd, Sonya Hendy & Ken from Wellington Point Rotary cooking breakfast for weary walkers at this year's Relay for Life on Sunday 26th May. The new barbecue trailer worked well, some suggestions made for improvements needed, but overall a most successful trial, both for breakfast, and the evening before for dinner. Well done to the many volunteers on both occasions.
Ship for World Youth Program
In February several members of our club, along with others in our area, organised a Rotary Day for the Ship for World Youth Program visit to Brisbane of the Nippon Maru. Leading this event was Ishbel Taylor, here receiving her Certificate of thanks from Pres. Jan. Ishbel has been unwell for some months and it is great to have her back on deck again, and able at last to receive her certificate.
Induction of President Luis
Tuesday 2nd July was a milestone in the history of the Rotary Club of Cleveland. Not only was it our 57th Changeover dinner, we also welcomed Pres. Luis Filardi Carneiro, in what I believe to possibly be a Rotary first - a Youth Exchange Student to return to the Host country and become President of his original Host club. Luis was a student in 1989, moved back to Australia 3 years ago with this family, wife Luciana, daughter Beatriz and son Gabriel, and is now our President. We were delighted to also welcome his Dad Bene Carneiro and godson Murillo Carneiro who came from Brazil for the occasion. PDG Jitendra Prasad represented DG Ros Kelly.
PP Jan thanked her Board, most particularly PP Jon Womersley for acting as President during her time away for work out west. A lot was achieved during the past year - read the Annual Report for full details.
Honorary Rotarian Dan Holzpafel
Last night PP Albert Benfer had the pleasure of presenting PP Dan Holzapfel with his Honorary Member badge. Dan retired from active duty as a Rotarian in June, but we are more than delighted to welcome him back into the fold as an Honorary member.
We also heard Tegan Brooks talk to us about her journey with Ship for World Youth, and what is next for this amazing youg woman. Watch this space as Tegan and the friends she met along the way from Australia and Japan walk the Kokoda Track next May.
PNG Independence Day
Sometimes we wonder what happens to goods we send to Papua New Guinea and the islands. In Lae, Papua New Guinea we have been supporting Mary Queen of Peace Primary School and they recently received and opened a second container of educational goods, desks, gardening tools, bookshelves (thanks to Beenleigh Mens Shed) and many boxes of books. Amongst the goods were several boxes of clothing, surplus supplies after the Invictus Games in Sydney. Here, in their brand new "uniform" are some of the older boys in the school marching in the Independence Day celebrations in Lae. Some of the other clothing will be going to young men in their late teens, "Street Boys" being educated by the Parish Priest Fr. Arnold in Lae, so that they can get employment and support themselves. With good clothing they have a better chance at presenting themselves to employers. Thanks to Peter Marer for organising this part of our shipment.
Business Breakfast
Combined Redlands Coast Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club of Cleveland Business Breakfast on Wednesday September 18th, at Alexandra Hills Hotel, was well attended and Keynote Speaker, Carlos Aggio, a partner from Deloittes spoke about the Future of Work, demistifying beliefs that artificial intelligence and robots will fully replace human work.
Recent meeting events
We have had some very interesting meetings over the last couple of weeks. Some shots here to show what we have been doing. On 27th August we met at Cleveland District State High School Music Centre to be entertained by the students of music, drama and dance. What a fantastic night! Check out all the photos soon in the Photo Gallery. Above is Grant Mitchell receiving a Paul Harris Fellow recognition for all his years of work with these students and the administration of this excellent high school. Grant has been instrumental in the development of the school, including the new Bancroft Centre, an absolutely fabulous sports and multipurpose facility
Clubman of the Year 2018-2019
Decided by popular vote, John Simposon was awarded Clubman of the Year last night. John, our Treasurer, works tirelessly for Rotary in so many areas - as Treasurer, in the Youth area both at club and District level, encouraging and supporting members in many ways, and also has done a huge amount of work obtaining grants, and getting our new trailer up and ready for use. Congratulations John on your award and thank you for all that you do.
The trailer now has club signage and is ready for hire to community groups - with a Rotarian assistance - if you can help in this area please contact John.
Girl Guides are 100 years old
Mimmi Hertop recently spoke to us about the centenary of the Girl Guides movement, and of course their well known program of raising funds through selling Girl Guide Buscuits. They are going hi-tech, no longer selling door to door, but reaching out to businesses and organisations.
Mimmi is keen to hear back from anyone in Rotary that may have an interest in purchasing biscuits either
· personally for gifting (eg. charitable gifts), or
· in the event their company’s may wish to pass some on to their employees, or
· for on-selling.
Garden Party
Social events are an important part of our club activities, and none more important and more fun that the annual Garden Party, thanks to our wonderful hosts Alison and Albert Benfer. This year's party organised by our delightful Luciana, pictured here with Debbie Marer and Cynthia Archer. A lovely afternoon, after a day of rain, lots of friends to chat with and plenty of delicious food to share. More photos in the Gallery.