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Australian Rotary Health

PP Donelle Whiteley, District 9620 Chair for Australian Rotary Health, shared stories about the scholarships and benefits of this valuable Rotary program, begun in 1981 to deal with the prevalence of SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. We have in the past supported ARH Indigenous scholars. How can we support ARH now?


Happy 63rd Birthday Rotary Club of Cleveland

Yesterday, Sunday 2nd February was the 63rd birthday of the Rotary Club of Cleveland - sometimes known as The Mighty Club. Are we still Mighty?? Can we do better?? This is a good time for all to reflect and think about how much better we can do in our community and for Rotary world-wide. Can we get back to 60 members, the majority active, by 2027 - our 65th year?? From our Charter President Dr Parker Bottomley pictured above to Clive Shepherd, our current President, we have had at least 60 people who have held the position of president through the years. Who will replace Clive come June 30th 2025? Food for thought for all members - embrace the Magic of Rotary. Check out our Photo Gallery on the website for photos of club activities and people since the 1960's. 

RIP Anne Tully

It is with sadness that I advise Anne Tully passed away on Saturday night. Allan advised me that they had a very good palliative care doctor guiding them through the final stages of Anne's life. As many of you are aware, Anne had been battling cancer for some years now. Our thoughts and prayers are with Allan and the Tully family. Both Allan and Anne were very active members of the club until recently, and also both very active members and volunteers at the Museum. The photo above was taken at their last official dinner with the club in 2022. 


Entertaining first meeting for 2025

Spencer Howson may not be on our breakfast radio every morning anymore, but he is certainly still an entertaining speaker! Last night Clive was delighted to share some train stories with Spencer as we learnt about this passion they both have for trains. Spencer also spoke eloquently about the need for us to support local radio, to keep up with local news, explaining why national radio stations tend to look only to international issues, and ignore the local issues. This is also a trend due to the declining of good local radio stations. We are lucky here in the Redlands with BayFM and the local Brisbane stations. Spencer is back temporarily on 612ABC Saturday morning breakfast - including the Gardening segment.


From Redland Bay to Czech

Our Youth Exchange student Clancey Smith departed Brisbane on Sunday 19th January for her year in Czech. Our first news from Clancey is that after a couple of homesick days, she is settling in and off this weekend to join 50 other Exchange students, before starting school on Monday. Her welcoming party below.


RARE - Book delivery

Huge thank you to Clive, Gerry, Donna & Chris who switched off holiday mode for an hour to unload a trailer and ute full of school books at RARE. The donor came from Bald Hills - St Paul's Anglican College - and the contents will be very useful for schools in PNG, Fiji, East Timor and other places. 120 archive boxes (3 pallets full) plus 20+ smaller boxes & plastic containers etc.. We return on 23rd January to start sorting and packing again at RARE.

December activities

Our last month for 2024 has been very full, and Lyn Packer represented the club at the District 9620 Youth Exchange Orientation Day, where our outbound student, Clancey Smith was presented with her blazer. Clancey is still navigating the Visa application with Czech authorities, but all being well she departs on 19th January. Several members hosted students on Friday 13th after taking them on a day trip to Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah).

The Christmas Party at the Bowls Club on Macleay Island was good, despite the inclement weather - thanks Tracey for organising. The christmas Lottery was drawn at the party - see the next screen for details of winning tickets. Photos in Photo Gallery shortly.

RARE is finished for 2024, and will reconvene on Thursday 23rd January - thanks to members who came to unload chairs on Monday & Tuesday this week.

Merry Christmas to all and all the best for a wonderful, productive, fun filled 2025 at Rotary Club of Cleveland.


Golf Day Report

 The Cleveland Rotary annual charity golf day, our 23rd consecutive event,  has again been a great success thanks to the wonderful support of our generous corporate sponsors, individual participants, the Reland Bay Golf Club team and the tireless efforts of members of Cleveland Rotary.

 The sun shone, the storm clouds kept their distance (!!), the beer was cold and the array of prizes was excellent. The golf was, largely, forgettable - but no-one seemed to care! 

 Thanks to the generous financial support of so many local businesses and individuals, the nominated local charities Redlands Mater Hospital Auxiliary, the Redland Foundation, and Rotary's campaign against Domestic Violence, will benefit to the tune of almost $29,000!    As with all of Rotary's efforts in your local community, ALL profits will be distributed since there are no overheads of administration costs. To learn more about Rotary, check out this link:

 Cleveland Rotary's sincere thanks goes to all who supported this event with sponsorship, donations, raffle tickets and participation.   We will be doing it all again on 17 October 2025 so please mark your calendar.

 Ian Neil    PHF;  PP.   On behalf of all the Cleveland Rotary team.


STAR Community Services Secret Santa Project 2024

Christmas time is coming up very fast, and there are many in our community who are in need of that little bit of extra support at this time. Robert Wesener is co-ordinating the collection of goods for STAR Secret Santa Project this year. See the list on the next screen for suitable items to be included. Catherine Williams will be collecting our donations on December 10th, so please get your shopping done soon, and add a few items to the collection.


And the winners are...

First National, Cleveland,  were the winning team of our 24th Annual Charity Golf Day, held at Redland Bay Golf Club on Friday 1st November. What a wonderful day - perfect golfing weather, 18 teams all giving of their generosity and time to support the local community. Local organisations such as the Mater Hospital Redland Auxiliary, Redland Community Centre and the Redland Foundation, with an emphasis on these organisations support for victims of Domestic & family violence are the beneficiaries of the Golf Day. At the event, many of the players also supported our other major fundraiser - the Christmas Lottery - which is supporting agencies in the Redlands who provide support for the homeless. The champions are all those players and sponsors - we thank you so much, without your support we cannot help the community. Check out our Photo Gallery for more photos from the Golf Day.



The Rotary Leadership Institute Session 2

Date: Sunday Feb 23, 2025, 8:30 am

Please see details in Notices - this is excellent training for Rotarians both in their Rotary life and as volunteers elsewhere.  



International Women's Day Breakfast

Date: Thursday Mar 6, 2025, 7:00 am

Mater Private Hospital Redland Auxlilary International Women's Day Breakfast, Thursday 6th March.  Support our ladies who do so much for the local community through providing support to enhance great health care at our local Mater hospital. Our Rotary partners, Lorraine Furness, Debbie Marer, Glenda Smith and others are on the committee. See this attached file for full details and QR code to book your seats. Men are welcome to attend too! Guest Speaker is Juliette Wright, OAM, from GIVIT. FILE_4675_1.pdf

Listen to Spencer Howson promote this event on ABC 612 radio.  Spenser_Howson_on_ABC_1_Freb_25.mp3


Rotary Meeting

Date: Tuesday Mar 18, 2025, 6:00 pm

Trivia Night / Social night Venue TBC

Visitors are always welcome in our Club - bring a business acquaintance or friend who may be interested in the work that Rotary does in our community.

ALL apologies or acceptances (with guests included) are required by 7pm Sunday - to be lodged on the Club website 

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District 9620 Conference

Date: Friday Mar 28, 2025, 5:00 pm

Have you booked for Conference yet? We had 11 attending last year - can we beat that number?? Check out the website and book asap for a fantastic Conference - Connecting communities, Unlocking the Magic of Rotary.


Christmas in July

Date: Friday Jul 18, 2025, 2:00 pm

As mentioned at recent meetings, the annual Christmas in July weekend will be held on 18 – 20 July 2025 at Warwick (in conjunction with Jumpers and Jazz in July – (JJJ)). 

This is the first weekend of the JJJ festival and accommodation will be scarce so it is recommended that if you are interested please make a booking asap to secure your spot. The attached document contains more information about the weekend as well as links to the JJJ Festival and the BIG 4 Caravan Park which has caravan sites and cabins. We will update information regarding the dinner once we have an idea of numbers and confirm details with the venue.



Club Meetings and Location

2nd, 4th and 5th Tuesdays, 6.00 for 6.30pm (Check MEETINGS (below) for any changes)

Fiction Function Room

Shop 9&10 Raby Bay Harbour, 152 Shore St W, Cleveland QLD 4163

Please register your intention to attend via the website or apologise no later than 7pm on the Sunday prior to the meeting

Visitors can register via email 


Rotary Meeting

Date: Tuesday Feb 18, 2025, 6:00 pm

Rev Wonder Mwadzichema, Peace Fellow from Zimbabwe

Visitors are always welcome in our Club - bring a business acquaintance or friend who may be interested in the work that Rotary does in our community.

ALL apologies or acceptances (with guests included) are required by 7pm Sunday - to be lodged on the Club website 

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Rotary Meeting

Date: Tuesday Feb 25, 2025, 6:00 pm

Henry Pike, MHR and presentation of cheques from Golf Day to Mater Auxiliary and Redland foundation.

Visitors are always welcome in our Club - bring a business acquaintance or friend who may be interested in the work that Rotary does in our community.

ALL apologies or acceptances (with guests included) are required by 7pm Sunday - to be lodged on the Club website 

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Rotary Meeting

Date: Tuesday Mar 11, 2025, 6:00 pm

Suzie Tafolo - Redlands Coast Chamber of Commerce

Visitors are always welcome in our Club - bring a business acquaintance or friend who may be interested in the work that Rotary does in our community.

ALL apologies or acceptances (with guests included) are required by 7pm Sunday - to be lodged on the Club website 

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Rotary Meeting

Date: Tuesday Mar 25, 2025, 6:00 pm

Jacky Burkett, Maybanke Accommodation & Crisis Support

Visitors are always welcome in our Club - bring a business acquaintance or friend who may be interested in the work that Rotary does in our community.

ALL apologies or acceptances (with guests included) are required by 7pm Sunday - to be lodged on the Club website 

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Rotary Meeting

Date: Tuesday Apr 8, 2025, 6:00 pm

Mankind - Gordon Lawrence (Swimathon & Simmo Vanuatu)

Visitors are always welcome in our Club - bring a business acquaintance or friend who may be interested in the work that Rotary does in our community.

ALL apologies or acceptances (with guests included) are required by 7pm Sunday - to be lodged on the Club website 

Login to view the Rosters and Running Sheets

Login to confirm attendance/apologies


Social night

Date: Tuesday Apr 15, 2025, 6:00 pm

Social night at BrewDog TBC

Visitors are always welcome in our Club - bring a business acquaintance or friend who may be interested in the work that Rotary does in our community.

ALL apologies or acceptances (with guests included) are required by 7pm Sunday - to be lodged on the Club website 

Login to confirm attendance/apologies



RARE - Rotary Australia Repurposing Equipment

Members volunteer each Thursday morning and regular Saturday mornings to sort, pack and ship containers of repurposed medical and educational equipment and supplies.

Relay for Life



Redland Foundation

Horizon Foundation

Redland Museum

The first major project of the Rotary Club of Cleveland, started in 1968 to save farm machinery from rusting away in the paddocks. Founder and Charter member Norm Dean built up the Museum to the world class facility it is today. Passed to the community in 1972, the Museum is now over 50 years old and thriving.